Disability Sports Coach at Nike Coach the Dream summit

An invitation to Paris – who could refuse?

Especially when that invitation came from Nike!

Our team were invited to the Nike Coach the Dream – Future of Youth Sport Summit. We told our charity’s story to the most amazing audience, met Paralympians and delivered inclusive sports sessions to delegates.

The invitation came as a result of our partnership with Nike, who fund our Inclusive Activity Leaders programme (IAL). This ground-breaking programme trains disabled and non-disabled people side-by-side to qualify as sports coaches.

Temi, a course graduate, who is now a member of our coaching team, attended the summit with DSC staff members. He taught adapted sport and spoke about his experiences. Temi has cerebral palsy and told delegates how the course has changed his life.

Peter Ackred, Disability Sports Coach CEO, told the summit how sport unlocked the key to his success. He was bullied at school because he has a stammer. Peter said: “Sport was my one release that helped me connect with people.

“It’s where my passion lies and making sure that all disabled can be active and feel part of a community is what drives me.”

It was a proud moment for our team – and we are so grateful for the ongoing support of Nike. Together we are breaking down the barriers to sport for disabled people.


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