ParalympicsGB and Every Body Moves visit Club Wandsworth

The cameras rolled in for a Club Wandsworth sports session!

It was no ordinary occasion as our members, coaches and volunteers welcomed ParalyampicsGB and Every Body Moves to watch them in action.

Disability Sports Coach (DSC) was honoured to be named September’s Club of the Month by the VIP visitors.

Our members played Boccia and archery along with multi-sports on the night, just catching their breath for interviews with the film crew.

DSC founder Peter Ackred said that he set the charity up in response to a “massive need for more disability sport in London.”

Coach Debbie said: “What I love about coaching disability sport is that everyone regardless [of their disability] can join in.”

We are so proud of winning the accolade of Club of the Month. As a charity we work tirelessly to ensure that no disabled person is left out of sport.

DSC also stands with ParalympicsGB’s #EqualPlay campaign, which calls for disabled people to have the same access to sport as non-disabled people.


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