Sport for all at Paralympian Festival

Our Paralympian-inspired sports festival was a real success!

Participants, coaches, staff and event partners enjoyed to a day to remember.

With expert coaching in Football, Tennis, Badminton, Seated Volleyball and Archery, it was the chance to try out a variety of sports.

We adapted sports for every disability so that everyone could play.

Disability Sports Coach (DSC) club member Andre said:

“Thanks for inviting me to the Community Sports Festival. I really enjoyed it, because I took part in Football, Archery, Tennis and Basketball with my group from DSC.”

Great feedback from parents too. One dad told us:

“Today has been fantastic for both my son and I. Callum got to try out new sports and we both got to meet lots of amazing people. It was eye-opening for me to see what else is out there for Callum to get involved in. He loved archery, so I think I know what we’re getting him for Christmas!

Festival organiser Hugh Elsegood said: “It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces, as well as welcoming new people to our sports services.

“The Paralympic motto of ‘spirit in motion’ was clear for all to see. I was so impressed with the levels of fun, energy and enthusiasm shown by our participants throughout the day”.

Our team is also really pleased that 89% of participants said they would like to attend a similar event.

We’re working on that one right now!

Thanks to our event partners Sutton United disability team, Thomas Wall Archers and event supporter lululemon for helping us to ensure that everyone can play sport.



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