Meet your Spring ClubGames 2018 delivery team

We have more sports than ever before, at this year’s Spring ClubGames and they are not your usual run-of-the-mill! Find out who will be coaching you on the 5th April below…

1. Disability Sports Coach (DSC) & GB Sitting Volleyball Paralympian, Kat Hawkins

Of course we couldn’t have GB Paralympic Sitting Volleyball athlete Kat Hawkins attend this year’s ClubGames as a special guest and not have Sitting Volleyball on offer for our members to try!

Like every ClubGames, we are always on hand to coach a disability focused sport with our regular Community Coaches. However, this year’s Spring ClubGames goers are in for something special. Elite athlete Kat Hawkins will also be on the volleyball court giving our members a masterclass on how to play sitting volleyball wit her Paralympic experience – not something to miss!

2. Baseball Softball UK

At last year’s Easter event we had Cricket on offer, so this year we thought we would explore a similar sport from across the pond… Baseball. I bet not many of our members have tried Baseball before, so it’s great to have Baseball Softball UK on hand to teach our members everything they need to know. Not only will our members get a change to take part in skills and drills in the morning, they will also play against other club members in an afternoon competition in Baseball. Get ready to be ‘hit out of the park’ by this brand new ClubGames sport.

3. Para Dance UK

Para Dance UK are back for their second ClubGames of the year because our members love them so much! They have already visited some of the Community Clubs this year, so it’s great to get more of our members moving during these events. Get your dancing shoes at the ready!

4. Royal Borough Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC)

Trampoline – yes you read that right! This year we are super excited to announce that we will be delivering trampoline sessions throughout the morning. This is something that we have never done at any of the club sessions, ClubGames or Sumer Festival before. This has been HIGHLY requested so I’m sure our members are going to take full advantage of the opportunity!

5. Black Arrows Badminton Club

If you’ve attending a club for a number of years, you would have come across Black Arrows Badminton Club before, and particularly if you’ve attended one of our Summer Festivals. However this is the first time Black Arrows will be delivering badminton at one of our ClubGames and were excited to see everyone’s racket skills.

6. BikeWorks

Cycling was a hit at last year’s Easter event so we thought we would bring it back for another year. This time our Summer Festival cycling delivery specialists BikeWorks are bringing all their weird and wonderful bikes along so everyone can have a go. From hand cycles to tandem tri-cycles they will have everything for our members to try and our members may even discover bikes they never knew existed.

You can try our all of these sports and meet the people delivering them between 10am – 11.45am. Remember to ask them about sessions they run and how you can get involved!

Spring ClubGames 2018 Details

Spring ClubGames is a free event, giving all disabled people aged 11 years to adults the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports and some friendly competition.

When: 5th April 2018 – 10am – 2.30pm
Where: Kensington Leisure Centre, Silchester Road, W10 6EX – get directions here!
Drop in sports: Baseball, Sitting Volleyball, Dance, Badminton, Trampoline, Cycling
Competition: Baseball & Boccia
Cost: Free

Please note parking is extremely limited, so plan your journey with public transport in advance, if possible.

To register, just turn up at 10am!

If you would like to attend as a group, complete and return the ClubGames Registration Form to Lauren Mawdsley at before the 1st April 2018.

For more information, please contact Lauren on or call 020 7021 0973.



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