alexandra - disability sports session

Alexandra (pictured centre) is just one example of our members to whom our Clubs are an essential part of their lives. During the current uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, comprehending why our Clubs are not running is impossible for Alexandra and many others.

Club Wandsworth coach Emma says “Having to tell Alexandra that Club Wandsworth couldn’t run for a little while because of Covid-19 was genuinely heart breaking. She couldn’t understand why this had to happened. The thought of not being able to come next week, made her become instantly anxious.”

The absence of routine, especially for the 40% of our members who, like Alexandra, are on the autistic spectrum, is likely to cause significant distress. As well as our Club, Alexandra attends Roots and Shoots during the week and another football session. Currently, none of these services are taking place. Alexandra, therefore, has gone from doing 5 hours of physical activity in the community to doing none.

Emma continues “Alexandra has a real desire to learn and her movement skills are constantly improving. I sincerely hope, this break from the Clubs doesn’t have a too severe an impact on Alexandra and she is able to engage with resources we are providing.”

At Disability Sports Coach, we are doing our utmost to provide physical activity packs, online resources and challenges to keep our members active and feeling part of their Community Club.

Please continue to support us in keeping Club members, such as Alexandra active and engaged at this difficult time. As Alexandra herself says, “sports is important. It is fun.”


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