Club Derby Series: Club Brent take crown

It was a Tennis showdown in the latest of our Club Derby Series, as Club Brent and Club K&C battled to be team of the court

On Saturday 28th April, Club K&C members left their home turf to join Club Brent members at Willesden Sports Centre for another local derby. The derby was focused around Tennis, challenging our members racket skills.

We decided to bring in the experts, the Tennis Foundation to help make the day a smash hit. The members started with some skilful hand-eye co-ordination skills to warm up which included throwing, clapping and spinning… luckily not all at once! Next followed different taster style activities before heading into the nail biting competition. In the end it was Club Brent that were crowned the Club Derby champs!

The Tennis Foundation were very impressed by all our talented members who delivered some cracking shots. All members gained a medal for taking part in the day and Damola, Kiser, Jaiden and Aqib were awarded star players.

Conor McBreaty, Tennis Foundation’s Disability Development Officer, said: “The Tennis Foundation really enjoyed working in partnership with DSC coaches on the day and this helped set-up a great day of tennis activities for the players that attended. Some players were getting their first opportunity to try Tennis and it was great to see them having fun”.

If you want to get involved in more Tennis, head over to The Tennis Foundation’s website to find a local club or competition –

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