Congratulations to Ian, Team London Awards runner up

We are thrilled to announce that one of our Community Club volunteers, Ian (3rd left), came runner up for the Under 25 Sports and Healthy Living Team London Award.

Ian currently volunteers at our Community Club Islington session every Saturday. Ian has become quite the volunteer at this club and the participants look forward to him being there week after week. Not only does our participants look forward to Ian being at our sessions, but he also goes above and beyond when it comes to his sports volunteering.

For the past 10 months Ian has been involved in volunteering for London Youth Games giving a considerable amount of time to both DSC and London Youth Games while still being dedicated to his college studies.

On the 31st October 2016, Ian’s dedicated and hard work was recognised as he become a runner up for the Under 25 Sports and Healthy Living Team London.

The Team London awards is held in “recognition of tens of thousands of volunteers who spend their spare time contributing to their communities across the city”. The award Ian was shortlisted for recognises an individual that ‘encourages and supports activity and healthier lifestyles in all sections of the community.’

This is a great achievement for Ian, keep up the hard work!


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