Fitness, friends and fun at our Christmas Club event

This year’s Christmas Club was extra special.

It was the first Christmas celebration since the Covid-19 pandemic where our members from across London were finally able to meet in person again to play the sports they love!

The theme was #IncludedAtChristmas, recognising that Christmas can be a very lonely time for disabled people.

Members met up with their friends again and our professional coaching staff were on hand to offer expert guidance and sporting tips.

Polybat, boccia and basketball were among a range of sports on offer, together with a stretching class in the yoga studio.

A few festive games were thrown in for the warm-up, when members raced to put an item on our brightly-coloured Christmas tree. It brought everyone together and plenty of laughter.

Sade, 19, who has a learning disability, enjoyed taking part in the activities and her mother Margaret said that our events were vital in offering the chance to participate in physical activity.

She said: “It’s very important that Sade has the opportunity to take part in sport.

“Otherwise she would always be on her iPad or watching TV.

“The problem is that mainstream sports providers don’t always encourage disabled people to take part in activities because they are afraid it might result in injury.

“Sade really likes sport and has run 100 metres at her club – before that my daughter had never run before.

“There is no pressure to be competitive as it’s just about taking part.”

Twins Stephen and Keegan, 20, who are autistic, were among the members enjoying the Christmas Club.

Stephen said: “I like meeting friends, playing basketball and games like tag. It’s a mix of things,” while Keegan agreed and added that he liked the dancing session.

Members enjoyed food and drink after all the activities, which took place at the Castle Leisure Centre, Elephant and Castle, on December 29.

The whole event was enjoyed by members, coaches, volunteers, parents and carers and Disability Sports Coach staff. It was only made possible by the generous support of The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust and City Bridge Trust – for which we would like to say a huge thanks!




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