Inclusive Activity Leaders course offers free training

Are you passionate about disability sport?

Then learn about it from the experts – for free!

We have an incredible opportunity for aspiring coaches to upskill and gain coaching qualifications in this important field – thanks to our partnership with Nike.

Our Inclusive Activity Leaders (IAL) programme trains disabled and non-disabled people side-by-side to break down the barriers to sport.

Last year’s IAL programme graduates attended an awards ceremony at Nike’s London headquarters, where they were presented with their certificates by Paralympian Richard Whitehead MBE.

A total of 12 IAL graduates gained paid coaching positions after the programme – and are now using their skills to make sure that no one is left out of sport.

Our Inclusive Activity Leaders (IAL) programme is creating the disability sports leaders of the future. Want to be one of them?

Successful course participants gain:

  • A level 1 or level 2 multi-skill coaching certificate (dependent on prior experience)
  • A first aid certificate
  • A safeguarding certificate
  • Free attendance on Disability Sports Coach’s Adaptive Sports course
  • Free attendance on Disability Sports Coach’s Inclusive Coaching Workshop
  • 10 hours of mentorship training from our qualified disability sports coaches


All courses and qualifications are free of charge to successful applicants and support is provided throughout the programme’s duration.

Places are limited so please register your interest via the link as soon as possible to secure your spot, or for more information email Hannah Paton.

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