Is more sport & physical activity for disabled people needed?

We want to hear from you! Let us know your views by completing our short survey for the chance to win £25 Amazon Vouchers

Calling all disabled people or people supporting disabled people – we want to hear from you! Here at Disability Sports Coach, we are working to understand whether there is enough opportunities for disabled people to take part in meaningful activities in their local community.

To best understand the need, we have created a short survey that aims to understand where, what and when more activities could take place for disabled Londoners.

As a huge thanks, we are offering all those that complete the survey the chance to win a £25 Amazon Gift Card to choose from millions of items store-wide!

Click here – complete the survey & enter the prize draw!

All surveys to be completed by no later than 5pm on Friday 9th March 2018 to be entered into our £25 Amazon Voucher prize draw.

Please forward to all those who you feel this survey would be relevant for.

This survey can be completed as an individual (disabled person or parent/carer on behalf of the disabled person) or as agroup leader on behalf of a number of disabled people. The estimated time of completion is 3 minutes.


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