Earn prizes for attending your weekly Community Club sessions with new coffee card loyalty style scheme

We are excited to launch our new loyalty card scheme at our 11 Community Clubs. These cards will provide Club participants with greater incentive to attend their Club every week, as the race is on to earn stamps and win prizes! Once 12 & 24 stamps collected, participants will receive prizes which will be presented in front of their club mates.
Each time a participant attends a session their coach will stamp their loyalty card. In addition to this, if a new friend is bought along an extra stamp will be rewarded.
This hope is to encourage participants to never miss a session as well as bring along new friends. DSC is also teaming up with partners including NGBs to give Club participants exciting and individualised prizes once they reach 24 stamps.
The loyalty cards are an easy way for all participants, parents and carers to have Community Club dates and sports day information on them wherever they go. The loyalty cards aim to create a stronger sense of community in each individual Club and to help participants feel more welcome at their first Club session.
How to use my Club loyalty card
- Collect from my coach in my first session
- Use my loyalty card to know term dates and when the next sports day is
- Bring my loyalty card to every session to be stamped by my coach
- Once you reach 12 stamps you will receive a DSC goodie
- Once you reach 24 stamps you will receive a mystery prize
For more information about the Community Club Loyalty Cards, please contact Emma on emma@disabilitysportscoach.co.uk or call 0207 021 0973.