A brand new partnership with Team London Bridge
3rd August 2022

We’re thrilled to be announced as a charity partner with Team London Bridge for the next three years as part of the Building Bridges Fund.


Our partnership will be vital in helping to grow our Community Club for disabled people in Southwark, while bringing local business together to raise awareness of disability and the importance of inclusion.

Sofia Alexandrache, Responsible Business and Member Engagement Director at Team London Bridge, said, ‘This wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and dedication of our Task Group made up of representatives from London Bridge businesses. They volunteer their time and expertise to help us screen every application and then follow up with meetings or visits with the successful grantees. A particular thank you goes to the group’s interim Chair, Clare McBride at PwC, who has done a stellar job guiding us through the lengthy and complex process which started back in January.

‘Our grants programme has been running since the BID’s inception, in total investing just over £700,000 in a variety of projects but more importantly creating much needed local connections with the business community. We continue to innovate the way we give and place a great emphasis on what makes us unique as a funding business improvement district.’


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