Nii Addo Engman, Club Lambeth Volunteer
21st October 2016

“My communication skills have improved a lot since being a part of DSC.”

Nii (below left) has a true passion for sport and wants others to have the same positive experience. Nii is a Community Club Volunteer.

Nii has been with Disability Sports Coach for the past year and joined us coming through the HeadStart programme during his A-Level studies at College; the programme provides young people with opportunities to volunteer within their local community.

Though Nii and plenty of possible suitors, he choose to volunteer with us, due to his love of sport and felt he could transfer this passion to helping others. While Nii has completed his HeadStart programme, he has continued to volunteer at Club Lambeth alongside attending college as he recognises all the benefits from being a DSC volunteer.

One of Nii’s goals from volunteering at Club Lambeth was to improve his communication skills, which he already thinks have come on, “My communication skills have improved a lot since being a part of DSC”.

Coach Development Officer, Lauren has seen a vast improvement in Nii’s confidence during the sessions commenting, “Nii is very good at leading a group, he helps the participants perform the skills and activities set. He will often be the facilitator of the activities and others will naturally follow him for guidance”.

Not only is Nii great at assisting the coach, he is extremely reliable and we can count on him to be there each week – which is a great attribution to have.

Nii’s improved confidence and communication skills have impacted his personal life greatly by helping his interaction with others, particularly during college. He is now hoping to use these skills when he begins university in the near future!

If Nii’s story has inspired you to be a volunteer, visit our Volunteer page for our current opportunities.



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