Paul and Sarah’s 1,000km cycle challenge!
6th August 2021

What do you do for your ‘holiday’ when there’s a global pandemic and travel is restricted? Paul and Sarah had a staycation the only way they know – cycling from John O’Groats to Lands End while raising money for charity!

Starting from John O’Groats on 10 August, the couple cycled for 12 days, raising £1,240 for ourselves and Cancer Research UK!

Paul said, ‘Disability Sports Coach believe that disabled people should be physically active. They create worthwhile sport and physical activity opportunities that have a positive impact on disabled people’s lives. We have helped support some activity days they have provided and seen the joy that ‘opportunity’ can give. There is a bike for everyone.

Our second charity is Cancer Research. There are many related or smaller charities that offer support once diagnosed but this year more than any has shown that research and prevention is so important. So many of us are affected by Cancer in some form or another. It hit my family 20 years ago when my dad had bowel cancer. He was only a few years older than we are now. Its comforting to see how things would be different today as research has moved on.’

Paul and Sarah blogged about their amazing challenge on their fundraising page, which is still open for donations:

Peter Ackred, CEO, said ‘What a fantastic challenge! Paul and Sarah have gone above and beyond with their fundraising challenge. The money raised will be so vital in helping us open our community clubs again next month. From all at Disability Sports Coach, thank you so much.’

Donate to Paul and Sarah’s challenge


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