Sporting Chance Prize Draw launches!

The 2023 Sporting Chance Prize Draw has launched!

And we need your support.

Our members say that our community sports clubs are a lifeline for them and that otherwise they would be stuck at home.

At our clubs, members are coached by specialists instructors and can take part in sports such as tennis, basketball, boccia and polybat. Our sessions are great places to socialise and be a part of the wider community.

An incredible 100% of our members feel they’ve improved their physical wellbeing, while more than 70% feel more confident because they belong to our clubs.

Picture of a skier on a slope with blue sky and sunshine and alpine trees in the background. The skiers legs and skis are visible and a red Sporting Chance Prize Draw logo is emblazoned across the picture

Put simply, without our clubs, members would have nowhere to exercise safely, meet friends and be a part of their community.

It’s something that most of us take for granted.

At Disability Sports Coach we believe that no one should be left out of sport, or life.

To help us keep disabled people active and connected please donate HERE 

Donate just £10 and 100% of your entry fee will go to Disability Sports Coach. Not only that you’ll be in with a chance to win some memorable sports prizes that money can’t buy, such as a Paris Olympic experience with Team GB, a ski break, Wimbledon Centre Court tickets and a personal masterclass from a top athlete.

Last year £560 was donated to us through the draw, which paid for a specialist coach to deliver a whole term of inclusive activities at one of our community clubs.⁠

Please help us beat this target and support more disabled people to do more sports, more often.


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