Summer Festival 2016 – free sports festival for all disabled people
11th May 2016
Be part of DSC’s summer festival a month before Olympic and Paralympic festivities begin. Paralympian’s, including DSC patron Ben Quilter will be present on the day to offer words of sporting wisdom.
Ben will also be trying his hand at a few of the 20 different sports on offer during the day. The 20 sports on offer include cricket, boccia, football, tennis, rowing, squash, dance and many more. Limited spaces for climbing wall sessions are also available.
All give it a go activities, allowing participants to take part in as many or few sports as they wish. In addition, participants are free to attend for all or part of the day.
Emma, our Club Development Officer is excited for the event, “Thanks to use of indoor and outdoor facilities at The Westway Sports and Fitness Centre our second Summer Festival will provide more sports for disabled people to enjoy. To see all our 11 Community Club participants as well as other disabled young people and adults at one event will without doubt be one of the highlights of the year.”
The day is free for all disabled people, including siblings. To register, please email: or just turn up on the day.