Welcome to our new HeadStart Volunteers

This week we welcome 22 new volunteers to our Community Clubs through HeadStart, a programme by The Challenge.

On the 26th October we gathered the new 2016 HeadStart volunteers for an introductory meeting. The meeting gave the volunteers the opportunity to meet some of the DSC team (and some coaches too) and try out some of the sports that are popular within the clubs. The volunteers got a taster in Paralympic sports such as Boccia and adapted sports such as New Age Kurling and Polybat. The volunteers really got stuck in and it’s safe to say it got pretty competitive!

Not only did we the important stuff covered such as their roles and responsibilities but this also gave the volunteers the perfect opportunity to socialise with other people in the same situation as them and share ideas on the programme they are about to start on.

All the volunteers are between the age of 16 and 18 and the programmes guarantees every young person a job interview after completing 16 hours of volunteers. Of course the volunteers may continue their volunteering after the 16 hours and we still have volunteers with us from last year!

We are excited for them to start and get involved!


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