We’ve bagged £4,000 from Tesco’s Community Grant Scheme

Huge thanks to all those that voted for us in their local Tesco’s store throughout September & October

Bags of Help is run in partnership with environmental charity Groundwork, and sees grants raised from the sale of carrier bags awarded to thousands of local community projects every year. Since launching in 2015, it’s provided more than £63 million to over 20,000 local community projects.

Millions of shoppers have voted in Tesco stores up and down the country and it can now berevealed that we were awarded the highest possible amount to go towards the delivery of two ClubGames in 2019.

Our ClubGames, as part of our award-winning Community Club programme, is a free event, giving all disabled people the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports and fun competition. At each ClubGames we are joined by a special guest, as well as other sports organisations and local disability organisations to give you more information about what’s happening in the local area.

Alison Morgan, Disability Sport Coach’s Fundraising Manager said: “Thanks so much to all those that voted for us in their local Tesco store. The funding will go a long way to ensure we continue to deliver much needed holiday events for all disabled people.”

Alec Brown, Tesco’s Head of Community, said: “Bags of Help has been a fantastic success and we’ve been overwhelmed by the response from customers. It’s such a special scheme because it’s local people who decide how the money will be spent in their community. We can’t wait to see the projects come to life.”

Voting ran in stores throughout September and October with customers choosing which local project they would like to get the top award using a token given to them at the checkout.

Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups each time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions are awarded funding.

Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “Bags of Help continues to enable local communities up and down Britain to improve the local spaces and places that matter to them. The diversity of projects that are being funded shows that local communities have a passion to create something great in their area. We are pleased to be able to be a part of the journey and provide support and encouragement to help local communities thrive.”

Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. Anyone can nominate a project and organisations can apply online. To find out more visit www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp.


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