Zumba Sessions for Hearing Impaired Students

As part of DSC’s After School Programme, we have recently been delivering a series of innovative Zumba sessions for students with a hearing impairment at Oak Lodge School, Wandsworth.

From the 11th September, DSC Coach Syreeta has been filling the sports hall with music and encouraging students to get more active via the medium of dance! The weekly session sees roughly 8-10 participants winding down and burning off some energy, whilst learning the latest dance moves.

DSC Coach and dance enthusiast Syreeta, explains that students were slightly tentative at first and she needed to find the most productive way for them to enjoy the session. “For the first two weeks I needed to get them out of their comfort zone, show them some moves and let them repeat it. All students have a hearing impairment so they would follow my actions and feel the bass vibrations.”

Consistency with the choice of songs became important, and once the students felt comfortable Syreeta actively encouraged them to come up with there own, commenting, “When teaching a song or step, I break it down right down. Firstly, we practice the step without music, then progress adding the music in and finally then perform the whole step. It’s only 9 weeks into the programme and they are already coming up with their own moves to the tunes I use!”

Head of PE at Oak Lodge School, Holly Black has found the dance sessions a brilliant experience for all those involved. “The Zumba sessions are a great way for the students to wind down after a day of school. The pupils are really engaged and it is a fun and energetic session that runs along side other inclusive activities.”

If you are interested in a DSC coach delivering dance or any other sports for your service users, please contact our Coach and Training Development Officer, Lucy Wright on lucy@disabilitysportscoach.co.ukor call 020 7021 0973.



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